Do people matter?


The Wind will keep me company till then.
Make me strong and help me fly.

The Water will soothe me in time.
Keep me calm and help me flow.

The Roses never fail to delight.

The Forest is as large as the sky above, 
Only tangible
Life just is
Make is happen

The Sky is vast. 
I look up for inspiration.
Ilook inside the vastness 
Towards the sky.
How far is could go.
My faith, fillled 
With hope.

And wouldnt you say, 
Rain is almost incomplete without
It needs wind, water makes it.
It sustains,
Called upon the forest life.
Pouring the delights. Makes it bloom.
And without the sky, who would hold the clouds, 
To make it rain.
And for now this would do.
As the sun is yet to come.


I have often wondered, do people really matter? 

You see, I was raised every single day listening to one repeated phrase, "The world is a dirty place." and without questioning I absorbed it to my very core. It was naturally very difficult to make friends and trust people, infact I still struggle with trusting those around me, in a weird way. I say weird because my behaviour is still incomprehensible. 

Its very exhausting sometimes to always be on my guard, thats why people think I am mostly shy, that I dont like to talk much, but in reality I just dislike small talk. Getting back to the poem above, it was inspired by some very close people. People who have affected my life, people who I have loved, those who have inspired me. And sometimes even broken my heart. 


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