There is still some colour left in me

Look at me
Giving up on love

But I wish
I could tell you
I utter only a few words
For my head speaks a different language
A language incompréhensible even to me at times
Of dirty little hands
Scribbled with black ink
And the vast blue sky
A lady in a blue dress
With a hat that may fly
Of colours so vivid
They blind my mind
And fill my throat
I utter only a few words
Because I know not how I feel 
Unless you know what powder blue means 
Its the colour of pain
And orange that of dusk 
Dusk brings along
A feeling of forlorn
So tell me now
Will you understand? 
When I say I feel like sand
Slipping away from my own hands

Looking at the world with a careful lense
"Saher, you're too serious,
Maybe it was meant to be just pretence 
"Hey you, don't take everything so seriously"
Always careful, always thinking of the consequence..
Held myself in a cage
"She's too mature for her age"

So let go of all the walls, I did,
 Let go of all these strings 
And then met with these words that said: 
"Hey kiddo"
"Have you any idea how the world works? No?"
And if not, then Why is that? 
 By now shouldn't you know?
"She's too vulnerable, she's too sweet"
Tell me what's so wrong with that?
"Don't you think
You're a bit too old
to realise, 
And if not, then "Why haven't you so far?"
"Think a little before you decide.."
"Are you sure?"
"Surely you don't mind?"
"Take off those rose-tinted glasses
My dear, Don't you see?"
Maybe I was blind

As if mine weren't enough,
All these doubts flooded my way.
But I knew what I was doing all along, 
Inviting all the pain 
A conscious decision, I would say
I saw it all but refused to accept these feelings, overwhelmed 
But did I really abandon myself?
What of when I asked you to stop? 
And you said, "no way, not now, no."
And I convinced myself saying, let's try, let's see where we'll go
Didn't you hear me shout aloud?
Didn't you leave my body to shiver?
"I know you're scared", you said right there
Why did I let it be? Tell me did you do it deliberately?
"Don't feel like being gentle with you, surely you understand, don't you?"
Why did I let you go on?
Convincing myself this is what I want?

What of when I said I think it's wrong? 
"Sweetheart, I want you to do this for me"
What of when I asked us to stay?
And you left with a deflated "meh" anyway?
Was that not me giving my all? 
Fighting, trying so desparately??
Maybe not enough fight left in me..
What of when I said it's hurting? 
But you kept at it for long?
Why didn't I stop you from straining
my thighs, my neck, my hands, my mind with a grip suggesting it all?
What of when I said all this
A little too silently, went amiss? 

Look at me
Putting up my walls again
What else do I do?
So I tell myself
Take a pause and breathe 
But every other minute
Seems like that's all I do
When did I stop believing in my pace?
Now look at me 
With a heavy feeling 
Residing in my chest 
Hesitating like I always did, aghast
Stopping myself from hoping, lest..
Thinking again of words spoken in the past
In desparate need of some rest 
Hoping this feeling won't last
Wondering what will you say
When you see this written all over me?
When I let you in again
Breaching my walls
Break free 
There is still some colour left in me


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