The wind will keep me company till then. Make me strong and help me fly...

Bitter memories of her childhood.. 

She draws sad portraits..every art price of her's depicts sadness. They say artists pour their emotions, their souls into their work. It's their way of expressing. What is her sorrow? Even she is unaware of it, she says. 

I knew always that there was something wrong. Why did her smile seem like a forced one? Why did her face show dark images? How could she understand suffering at such a young age? How could she act so mature some times? Was it because she had experienced it all? Yet, ofcourse she wasn't mature enough to not handle her own childish thoughts. She was still naive.

These questions still ate me from inside untill we both saw... She was a lot more like me and I, like her. Our thought processes did clash. Our reactions followed the same path. That is when she trusted me and poured out her sorrows. I could have never imagined. Nothing could actually be so bad that could happen with Wind! She was brave, independent and strong! But of course, I missed the obviously most important things ...

What made her so? What was the inspiration? Was it love and family support? Maybe a little. 

She was hurt by her parents.. her father, how could he not care for her? When she was sick still his ego could not step down for his own daughter?? Her parents faught, how could they not see their impact on a child's mind, her tears rolling down? Were they too..immature? Was she trying to say something when she told me in a jokingly to ask my parents to adopt her? She did say this often. 

But that was her family, her family who hid things from her that no child deserves to know and yet she knew things she shouldn't have. So this is what made her so strong, brave and beautifully sad. She fell and got up alone, with the help of just a rusted- iron railing beside her to support her. She didn't have her father beside her to hold her when she fell. He didn't care enough, he loved her a little less. 

Why do bad things happen to good people? Because that's what makes them good.  

Life, Wind's 

Written by Rain on April 20, 2013. 


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