Where is home?

Where is home?

Where is home..

When you step out of the theatre

All consumed by a different reality

You lose your footing

And think you'll go home 

It seems so familiar for a moment.

Like on autopilot...

Just a few more minutes.. 

So you step outside..

And everything seems a bit bizzare

A little out of place,

The lighting is a bit off, too cloudy for my mind

These roads remind me of a different city

Shouting in my face

The unfamiliar chaos..but familiar enough to realise..

These roads won't take me back home..

Where I feel safe

But to another one 

That I made for just myself..

How unsettling it is

To realise 

What if I had never known.. 

Would I have craved for it then..?

The empty walls that await here

Or those people I've left behind

My home for a moment

Or what seemed like a lifetime

Maybe to share a hug or a smile

Just stealing moments from eachother 

Why did I create those,

Lawns that I may never mow.

Where is home..?

I no longer know. 

But now..

Trying to make sense of this foreign tongue

Like words falling on deaf ears..

These people look so estranged

How can it hit me

Even after so many years..?

Shouldn't I be used to it by now? 

So much for wanting to live on my own..

August 2023


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