And wouldn't you say, Rain is almost incomplete without,

It needs Wind, Water makes it..

It sustains,

Called upon by the Forest life,

Pouring the delights. Makes it bloom.

And without the Sky, who would hold the clouds

To make it Rain?

And for now this would do,

As the Sun is yet to come. 

March 8, 2014

Who is rain? 

For the sake of interest, I am introducing myself as Rain, these words are written in order to express myself and find some answers. I used to be a very private person, I no longer know if I am still. I recently went through a very depressing phase in my life and I want to move towards a happier and positive outlook. Hence, this blog.

There will be many instances here were you may come across elements such as Sun, Rose, Sky (now this one is very special to me), or even colours! Such as Blue or Teal! These 'names' have been chosen according to how I feel about that person and their significance in my life as I associate feelings with colours and other abstracts. 

Now I hope you have an interesting visit to my blog!

Oh! And why did I chose to be Rain? Because thats my favourite weather. 

Do people matter?


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