To Remember June By

To Remember June By

"The mirror has to be clean to look at oneself properly"
"Wait at the junction", take a pause...just for a while
Amidst all the ifs and buts...
Had you stayed...
I wonder...
You were just a fragment of my mind..
So drop from the pedestal
.... And see if we make the climb

This Rollercoaster keeps getting higher and higher..
So... go ahead,
Do what you think is right
You were supposed to choose people,
Not their situation..
What's the rush?
Take your time
Losing all your bets..
Where would you go..
I wanted to tell you so much more..


Written for a "certain someone",  written for myself. Consumed forever by borrowed titles, waiting for a novel one that I deserve and shall never share with anyone else, for never can they be or should be treated as replacements. 


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